fort worth accident lawyer adam drawhorn

Adam Drawhorn



Mr. Adam Drawhorn is the newest, youngest and best-looking attorney at Anderson, Cummings & Drawhorn.

A Native Texan, Adam shows an indomitable passion for seeking justice for victims of wrongful deaths and personal injuries, including cases of oil and gas well accidents, collisions involving 18-wheeler trucks and semis, catastrophic injuries, and non-subscriber, on-the-job injuries and deaths.

Adam is married to Lauren Kessler Drawhorn, and they have a handsome son, Jefferson. Adam is active in the community including his church and local volunteer organizations. In their very limited free time, Adam, Lauren and Jefferson love to spend time outdoors.

Professional Memberships & Associations

  • Texas Bar Association—Member
  • Tarrant County Bar Association—Member
  • Tarrant County Young Lawyers Association
  • Texas Trial Lawyers Association Member
  • Tarrant County Trial Lawyers Association Member

Bar Admissions

  • Texas State Courts
  • Northern Federal Texas District

Landmark Cases

  • Adam obtained a highly confidential, six-figure monetary settlement for a client against a major US corporation
  • Adam obtained a Top-100 Jury Verdict in the state of Texas in 2017, in tandem with John Cummings

Education History

  • Juris Doctorate, Baylor University School of Law
  • Bachelor of Arts, Philosophy, Summa Cum Laude, Auburn University

*These are actual dollar amounts paid to clients after the deduction of attorney fees and expenses.


Verdict & Settlement

Verdict and settlement involving sexual abuse of 11 children by their pastor.



Bad faith insurance settlement involving failure to defend and failure to settle claim.



Brain injury caused by electrocution.