Dizziness After a Fort Worth Crash – Is It a Sign of an Injury?

young woman feeling dizzy and holding wall to steady herselfCar crashes are traumatic, chaotic, confusing and disorienting experiences. In the aftermath, most victims experience some level of shock, while other victims may feel dizzy. While feeling woozy or dizzy could just be related to the trauma, it could also be a sign of a severe injury.

In the blog that follows, our experienced Fort Worth car crash lawyers at Anderson & Cummings talk about the injuries that could make you feel dizzy. We also explain what steps you can take to protect your health.

Injured in a Texas car accident? We can answer your questions and help you understand your legal options. Call our law offices to request a FREE, no-risk case review. If you choose our firm to represent you, there are no upfront costs to pay.

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Why Do I Feel Dizzy After a Car Crash?

After a car crash, feeling dizzy can be alarming. Dizziness can manifest in various forms, including light-headedness, vertigo, or feeling unsteady on your feet. Dizziness can be categorized or defined in in several ways, including:

  • Light-headedness: Feeling like you might faint or lose your balance.
  • Vertigo: A mild to severe spinning sensation, as if you or your surroundings are moving.
  • Unsteadiness: A general feeling of imbalance when you try to move about.

Dizziness takes on different forms and may stem from various underlying issues, including severe internal injuries.

Do I Need Medical Care After a Car Crash If I Feel Dizzy?

If you feel dizzy after a crash, it could be more than a temporary discomfort. Sometimes dizziness is an early sign of a more severe injury, such as a concussion, whiplash or inner ear damage. Getting checked out at a nearby emergency room helps to protect you in many ways.

Seeking Medical Care Right Away Protects Your Health

Internal injuries after a car accident do not always display immediate symptoms, but they can worsen over a short time. Ignoring dizziness is a health risk that could lead to other complications like balance issues, cognitive problems or chronic pain. Dizziness could also be an indication of a potentially life-threatening head injury, such as a brain bleed.

Seeking prompt medical care after a car accident protects your health by ruling out any injuries that pose an impact to your health.

Quickly Detects Severe or Life-Threatening Internal Injuries

Dizziness can sometimes be a symptom of severe or even life-threatening injuries that may not be immediately apparent. Time is critical for crash victims with internal injuries, and often shock and adrenalin mask pain in the initial hours after the accident. Getting medical help sooner can help you to avoid serious complications that put your health or your life at risk.

Medical Documentation From Your Visit Protects Your Claim

Your medical records contain documentation about the date of your visit, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of your injuries. This record provides key evidence that helps to link your injuries directly to the crash that caused them. Without this documentation, insurance companies have room to argue that you were not injured as badly as you say or that you were injured elsewhere.

Injuries That Could Cause Dizziness After a Car Crash

Several factors might contribute to dizziness following a car crash. Here are some common causes:

  • Whiplash Injuries: Whiplash occurs when the sudden impact of a car crash causes your head to jerk forward and backward rapidly. This motion places significant strain on your neck muscles and ligaments.
  • Cervical spine injury: If the cervical spine, which includes the neck’s vertebrae, is injured during a collision, it could cause a disruption to the normal function of your inner ear. The inner ear plays a crucial role in helping you maintain balance, so any disturbance could result in dizziness or vertigo—a sensation that you or your surroundings are spinning.
  • Concussion: A concussion is a common car crash injury. During the impact, you may have hit your head on something, but even the violent head shaking during a collision can cause this type of minor traumatic brain injury. A concussion, which can occur even you never lose consciousness, may present with various symptoms, including dizziness. Other symptoms may include headaches, confusion, nausea and even memory issues.
  • Internal Organ Damage/Internal Bleeding: In severe car accidents, the impact or injury could cause internal bleeding or damage your organs. This bleeding is not visible and any pain or symptoms may also be masked initially due to shock. The damage to various organs or blood vessels could cause symptoms such as dizziness, weakness or fainting. Getting immediate medical attention is crucial, as these injuries are often life-threatening if left untreated.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): The emotional and psychological impact a car crash causes can manifest physically in a victim. Symptoms of PTSD may include dizziness, light-headedness or a general feeling of disorientation. Stress and anxiety can make these physical symptoms worse.
  • Medications: Painkillers and muscle relaxants prescribed to help alleviate pain and discomfort may cause side effects, like dizziness. Let your treating physician know about these side effects to see if there are other options.
  • Dehydration or Fatigue: The stress and physical trauma of a car accident could cause dehydration and fatigue. Dehydration reduces the body’s ability to maintain blood pressure and electrolyte balance, which can result in dizziness. Similarly, fatigue from the accident and its aftermath could cause you to temporarily feel this way. Rest and drinking fluids should help to resolve any minor dizziness.

Always consult a healthcare professional if you experience persistent or severe dizziness after a car crash.

Treatment for Dizziness After a Car Crash

The appropriate treatment for dizziness following a car crash depends on the underlying cause of the symptom. Resting in a calm environment if your doctor finds you have no injuries will help you recover more quickly.

Muscle strains may require rest, ice to the affected area, compression and elevation, such as when the injury is to a limb.

For injuries that are more severe, your doctor will provide a plan of care that, in could include:

  • Medication to help with pain management
  • Physical therapy to aid your recovery
  • Follow-up medical appointments to see how you are responding to treatment

Severe head injuries, like a concussion or traumatic brain injury, require significantly more treatment, monitoring and rehabilitation therapy.

Injured in a Car Accident? Call a Trusted Lawyer Today

If the car accident that led to your dizziness and subsequent injuries was caused by another driver’s negligence, we strongly recommend seeking legal help as soon after your car crash as possible. Working with an attorney means you have someone fighting to protect your legal interests, so you can fully focus on healing.

At Anderson & Cummings, our highly qualified legal team is available to discuss your situation and potential legal options during a free, no-risk case review.

Experienced Lawyers. Proven Results. Call (817) 920-9000 today.

*These are actual dollar amounts paid to clients after the deduction of attorney fees and expenses.


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